Thursday, April 29, 2010

ya know. its a blue book… with ALL the answers.. yeahh.

This was an ad i saw on facebook..

Who am I? Why am I here? Why do I have challenges? Spiritual experiences? Find the answers already within you. Free Books. Eckankar

Uhmmm well  I dont know who this Eckankar character is… but I’m pretty sure I know a book that offers the RIGHT answer to those very questions.

Perhaps I should contact someone about this…

Friday, April 23, 2010

word of the day: majestic

i made this decision last night while on the phone with Baz.  It didn’t quite mean much of anything at the time. little did i know i would truly encounter something of majesty today. i have the privilege to see the beach every single day. and today, well, it was one of my favorite days thus far. let me paint you a picture. the sun was setting and the sky was an interesting grey purple silver color. and here is the kicker… so was the water. you almost could not tell where one began and the other one ended.  the water was calm and glassy…majestic to say the least. it was BEAUTIFUL! i sure wouldn't trade it for any thing in the whole world.  i cant imagine a life without the ocean being a huge part of it.  ya’ know what they say… some people are just born with salt in their veins. i believe it. there is something pure magical about the beach.  about the sounds and the smells of the ocean. the ocean holds all my deepest secrets. greatest fears. happiness joy and sometimes tears. something about it says… there is something more. i it tells me it was made wonderfully and perfectly just for me.   now i wish i had a picture but unfortunately i didn't have my camera with me. lets face reality though.. a picture would never catch what i saw. or how i felt. or the majesty of it all.. BUT my boy john mayer says it best…

..“Didn't have a camera by my side this time
Hoping I would see the world through both my eyes
Maybe I will tell you all about it when I'm
in the mood to lose my way
but let me say
You should have seen that sunrise with your own eyes
it brought me back to life”..

i think my nephew, far beyond his age in wisdom sometimes, said it best as we ventured out for a early morning off shore fishing trip a few years back..
”It just makes sense… Heavenly Father had to have created all this for it to work as perfectly as it does. IT just makes SENSE.

amen brother,


Thursday, April 22, 2010

a whole new world...

wow. so this is what it's like... this is the wubbulous world of blogging. i always claimed that i would never be a blogger. so im going back on many promises to myself and others.. forgive me. curiosity has finally killed this cat and im gonna give it a go. with that being said.. my apologies .. who knew there were so many blogging rules and ettiqutes and blahblahblah. i dont know them. and frankly i dont care. what you will get from me is pure randomness with perhaps a side or two of seriousness and reality. that in fact is where the name of this blog came from. i knew when i began pondering the possibilities of my very own blog. i couldnt go half way. this had to be all or nothing. i wanted my title to mean something. many ideas have come and gone. but through careful consideration and coaching Cafe 42 was born. WHY? you ask.. well all you need know is it was the result of the collision of two genius ideas. and thus Cafe 42 .. thats all that matters.

onward to todays subject matter.. PET PEEVES.
ive got a few and today you will be educated.

1. "OH my YOU ARE TALL!" or "so how tall ARRE you?" within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone- thank you, you vertically challenged onlooker. perhaps next time you will tell me my hair is brown. this is not a circus and if it was you had better pay me before i answer that question. sheesh.
2. I really hate it when you are having a conversation with someone whether it be via text, phone call, satelite broadcast, morse code.. WHATEVER and there is not a proper goodbye. i mean is the conversation over or not. am i waiting for a response or should be saying something? unless you ran someone over. peed your pants or had some other catastrophic interruption please end the conversation. i mean maybe its just me... im just sayin.. courtesy people. courtesy.
3. well right now i cant think of another. but stay tuned... im sure more will follow.

uhmm. i dont know what else.

this is me..
signing off.
i bid you aideu.

i said aideu.