Tuesday, August 28, 2012

it's time.

it's time. today i've decided its time for a lot of things..

it's time to cut my hair or do something different with it.  i always think it will be so fun and so pretty and manageable when it's long. it's not.  most the time it's just long and unmanageable and not fun and pretty 10% of the time.  so it's about that time to cut it short and embrace the fact that it's just not meant to be long. 


something between these two will do the trick :)

it's time to get it together.  no need to go into all the gory details. it's just time to get it together and let. it. goooooooo.

because that is true...  

and so is this ...

now. sometimes i forget those 2 things and life gets seemingly overwhelming again. but the reality is.. the person who is truly meant from me won't "shrink or shun the fight".. and it is just as simple. as. that. 
so maybe there aren't a lot of things listed up there but this much i know..
it's time to make something happen and with the perspective i've recently gained and am continuing to gain ..it's giving me the umph! to get it done...
 and for the first time in a long time..
... i'm starting to believe myself  :)

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