Wednesday, June 2, 2010

its about that time.. eh?

i must admit… its been a while. for this.. i have no excuse. perhaps its been because work is how i spend the majority of my time these days. well that and constant and faithful beach going. i mean its *almost* summer. right? thats just whats expected eh?

in the beginning of may i went to utah. jackson got home from canada and this called for some serious reuniting. also shirley went through the temple!!! :) it twas awesome! i am so grateful to have been able to go out for that. what an amazing experience! sooo proud of my squirrels! we had an amazing week full of laughs and randomness.. i couldnt ask for anything more! pure perfection.



my new favorite thing this week. the blog of stephanie nielson. oh my… WHAT an amazinnng family. check it out sometime…  simply amazing.

so ive figured it out… my new plan for this blog is to post a different picture every day. hopefully it will be a new picture everyday. but some may be from the hilarious archive. none the less it will be a compilation of random. hilarity. smiles. and sunshines.  enjoy…


  1. hey girlie!!! how did you find nei's blog...i've been reading it since last year!!

  2. Excellent. I'm so excited about this blog. I can't wait to blog creep on you.

    p.s. Super jeal of your Utah reunion.

  3. Ugh! Lindy blog creeps on everyone!

    Love your vaca to the slc, it seemed joyous beyond words!

    Next time you feel like venturing out, don't forget that yours truly would love to be a part of it!

  4. kim... i found it from a video that my church put out... check it out.

    lindykyle. thank you for your time and follwer-ship. i hope it proves worthwhile.

    madre. im a terrible child. i know. lets have a phone date soon. and catch up on all the random. scary. creep-tastic moments we've missed lately..

    love you all.
